Saturday 24 March 2018

To use DHCP in Internal network

orca@Positive-Space:~$ vboxmanage dhcpserver add --netname Pentestlab --ip --netmask --lowerip --upperip --enable 

Monday 5 March 2018

to add a service into startup in Kali:
systemctl enable servicename.service to change port number of nxserver:


NXPort _Port_Number_

Thursday 1 March 2018

To get into web app PT

To get into web app PT

-> start with web application hackers handbook
-> practice with all vulnerable applications (like dvwa, mutillidae etc.)
-> try solving vulnhub vm's, hackthebox challenges
-> play ctf

To get into bug bounties

-> be good at web app PT atleast
-> read hackerone reports ( reports)
-> follow bug bounty researchers on twitter/slack
-> follow their blogs
-> keep on reading new methods and start trying it out
-> you will end up with many dups/na, overcome that.. put your full dedication (you will achive things soon)
-> dont keep switching targets (focus is important thing)
-> think out ot box

OSCP prep

-> be good at web app PT atleast
-> try solving vulnhub vm's, hackthebox challenges
-> go through materials provided by offsec
-> be familiar with linux and few networking concepts
-> start cracking offsec vm's
-> enumeration is key
-> Acquiring skillset is important

Am posting this, since I acquired most of the knowledge from various infosec communities.
Thanks to the community and friends who have helped me :)

- Pranav Venkat